Why would I use an ESP system?
When the waste stream is such that it cannot be discharged to a POTW or to ground because of dissolved metals or other hazardous materials in the waste stream.
What is an ESP system?
The ESP systems are flocculation and encapsulation batch systems designed to remove suspended solids in the form of metals, inks and dyes, penetrates, emulsified oils and organic materials that are part of a waste stream.
Is the system automated?
Yes, the system is PLC operated and fully automated, monitoring of all of its critical functions and consumables. When the system needs attention, it will alert operators.
Can I recycle with an ESP system?
Yes, recycling is an option with the ESP. The system can be set up with storage tanks and an oxidation system to collect and post-treat and redeliver to a washer or a processor.
Ink waste streams are high in solids. Can these be treated effectively?
If the waste stream to be treated has a high solids content, the system would be set up to use the product water to dilute the influent stream to ease the treatment process automatically.
What about strong bonded metals such as chromium 6? Can they be encapsulated?
Certain waste streams will need to be processed to reduce their potential. For instance, chromium 6 will be reduced to chromium 3 prior to being encapsulated. Cyanide waste streams will be reduced to cyanate, then the stream can be treated. RGF has the capability to treat these types of waste streams.
How do dispose of the used clay?
The contaminants that were in the wastewater are now encapsulated in the clay making them harmless. The clay contains various polymers that holds the contaminants in a non-leachable form. This process will make a previously hazardous waste stream safe for disposal. An on-site TCLP test should be performed to confirm and demonstrate this.
Where do I purchase the encapsulant (clay)?
The QF Series Encapsulant is purchased through RGF or its distributors. It is packaged in 50-pound bags.
How do I know if my waste stream is a candidate for ESP?
Send us a water sample. We will test the sample in our lab and determine if your waste stream meets the criteria. We will also provide costs of operation and return on capital investment.
How much water can the ESP Systems treat?
Three systems are available with batch treatment capacities of, 500, 800 and 1,200 gallons per hour.
What is the system constructed of?
All of the components that are in contact with the waste stream are constructed of PVC, polyethylene and stainless steel. This ensures that the system will provide many years of corrosion-free service.
What maintenance is required?
The most important requirement is for the operator to make sure there is always enough clay and filter paper in the unit. The unit has a fresh water sprayer in the process tank. This washes down any remaining residue on the walls of the tank after each batch treatment, thereby reducing maintenance.