The MICROCON™ MAP intakes air from the top of the unit in a 360 degree direction from within the “breathing zone”. This zone measures anywhere from 3 ft. to 7 ft. from floor level. Eliminating sub-micron size infectious airborne particles from this zone reduces airborne microbial migration and the risk of inhalation. MICROCON™ MAP includes pre-filter and medical grade HEPA filter as standard, with UV-C germicidal light and activated carbon as options for additional air treatment.
Available in two models, the MICROCON™ MAP400 and MAP800 both meet CDC guidelines for airborne infectious pathogen control in healthcare facilities. The addition of a ‘vent block-out kit’ allows for CDC compliant creation of negative or positive pressure isolation rooms in compliance with CDC guidelines.

  • 360° Air intake and exhaust
  • Air change capacity
  • Breathing zone filtration
  • Certified HEPA filtration
  • Portability Modular design
  • Safe filter replacement
  • Temporary isolation room unit

Epidemiology Infection Control

– Airborne Infectious Diseases
– Airborne Infection Patient Isolation
– Infection Control for Healthcare Workers